Gas & Irregular Digestion or 'Why Do I Fart So Much?'
Table of ContentsAre you prone to a problem with 'Gas, irregular digestion'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Digestion by taking the free digestion quiz: AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON GAS, IRREGULAR DIGESTIONGot a gassy gut? Frequent farting and flatulence isn't just embarrassing, it's also unhealthy. Prompt action is necessary. Passing gas is an important warning sign your body has weak digestion, metabolism, and compromised immunity. Gas is considered a disease in Ayurveda. A solution to your gas problems is one of the most important steps you can take to restore your health & vitality.Although it may seem like everything you eat creates gas, or like your belly blows up like a balloon for unexplained reasons, resolving gas has been the cornerstone of health in Ayurveda for 5,000 years. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive perspective on steps you can take to restore happiness and cheerfulness to your tummy. Breaking the IceTalking about farts can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Given the importance of digestive health in Ayurveda, we've got to break the ice somehow. Let's start with some fart facts:
The Significance of Gas to Your HealthGas is formed when food ferments, i.e. rots, in the digestive tract. This happens when your body is too weak to digest and absorb nutrients from your food quickly enough. The small intestine is 22ft and the colon is 5ft long. Imagine there is a race in your gut between your intestines and the normal bacteria living in your gut. If you win the race, digest your food before the bacteria, and eliminate it, you nourish your body and have very little gas. If bacteria win the race, you'll have lots of gas, bloating and malabsorption.When bacteria ferment the food in your gut, they not only produce gas, they also excrete other toxins, i.e. bacteria poop and piss. Your small intestine can start to resemble a raw sewage dump site. These toxins are poisonous and irritate the lining of the digestive tract. Some of the poison is absorbed into the blood, where it aggravates the liver and kidneys. If your liver can't process the poison, your body will purge it through the kidneys, skin, and breath, creating excess urine, bad breath, and acne. Toxic blood weakens all of your organs. That's why it is vitally important to address chronic gas conditions as quickly as possible. The effects of gas on the nervous system and joints deserves special attention. Neurons are very sensitive to changes in blood chemistry. When the blood is poisoned, a person often feel scattered, ungrounded, nervous and anxious. Chronic gas can lead to poor decisions. Discomfort in the abdomen makes a person hyper and impulsive. They may lose their 'common sense' or 'street smarts'. Since joints have such poor circulation, any chronic toxic buildup tends to accumulate in the joint space leading to arthritic conditions. Since the immune system may be busy fighting gut bacteria, the immune system may become over stimulated or weak, depending on the constitution. What causes gas, from a western medical perspective?
What is intestinal gas made of?
Abdominal gas is composed of oxygen; nitrogen; hydrogen; carbon dioxide; and methane. The oxygen and nitrogen come from the air. The other gases come from bacterial fermentation. The unpleasant odor of flatulence comes from bacteria that release skatole, indole, and sulfur. Intestinal gas may be flammable if the concentration of hydrogen and methane is too high, however only 1/3 of people produce methane. The noises of gas are produced by vibration of your anal sphincter, and occasionally closed buttocks.
Western Treatment of Abdominal Gas
Ayurveda Perspectives on What Causes Gas
Intestinal gas is generally considered to be a condition of weak digestion, fundamentally a Vata disorder in samana vayu, one of the five subtypes of Vata dosha. Many Vata people experience abdominal gas after cold and difficult to digest foods like beans or cabbage. Symptoms include lower abdominal pain and bloating, particularly in the cecum located in the lower right side of the pelvic bowl. Pitta people often have abdominal bloating after eating spicy or oily foods. Bloating is primarily in the small intestine around the belly button along with sharp pain above the belly button. Kapha people may become gassy from gooey foods like bread and cheese. They experience heavy, sluggish stomach.
There are many types of imbalances that could lead to gas. The primary types are:
Vata Types
Pitta Types
Kapha Types
Synonyms and Keywords
gas, abdominal gas, intestinal gas, farting, breaking wind, passing gas, bloating, belch, belching, aerophagia, flatus, lactose intolerance, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, flatulence
Images of Gas, irregular digestionLargeARE YOU NEW TO AYURVEDA? GET THE BASICSWHAT HAS ALREADY HELPED YOU HEAL GAS, IRREGULAR DIGESTION?Improve the accuracy of your recommendations by letting us know what is working.DIET REMEDIES FOR 'GAS, IRREGULAR DIGESTION'
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HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS FOR 'GAS, IRREGULAR DIGESTION'Please check with your medical doctor before making any changes to your health & wellness routine, and for the proper use of these products.
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MORE DIGESTION TIPSDISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body. The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. Balance Your Body with Diet, Herbs, & Lifestyles Having These BiocharacteristicsEverything you eat has an effect on your body, which Ayurveda categorizes in a simple and easy way, using biocharacteristics (gunas). Biocharacteristics are qualities (like cold and hot) that describe the effect a food or herb has on your body. Cooling foods like cucumber, decrease metabolism. Heating foods like chili pepper, stimulate your body and increase metabolism. For 'Gas, irregular digestion', you should select foods with the following biocharacteristics. Individual results will vary, based on your body type and the root cause of your imbalance.MATCH WITH YOUR WELLNESS PROFILE
Ingredients & Herbs
Recipes Status UnknownTake these quizzes to find out if you need to increase Easy to digest foodsTo learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. CARMINATIVEStimulates the release of gas. Helpful for bloating or cramping abdominal pain. Propels food downward. Carminatives typically expel gas by relaxing the muscles of the intestines.DIGESTIVEHerbs that encourage healthy digestion.GENERAL-LAXATIVEPromotes a bowel movement. General laxative is an umbrella term that refers to several different types of laxatives.NERVINEBalances the nervous system. They can help with stress, memory, early alzheimer's, and even chronic pain. Often they are aromatic in nature.ANTIMICROBIALAn agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antimicrobial is an umbrella term that can be broken down into specific categories of target microorganism, such as anti-bacterials, fungals, and virals.ALTERATIVERestores the proper function of the body by cleansing the blood and balancing blood chemistry. In Ayurveda terms, they pacify Pitta in rakta. They were traditionally used to revitalize and detoxify after a long winter.BLOOD-TONICAn herb that produces more blood cells in the body, or otherwise improves blood cell quality or hemoglobin content. Helpful for anemia and other types of deficiency.VASODILATORA vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.ANTIDIURETICAn herb that suppresses the formation of urine. They help retain fluids and rehydrate by reducing urination. They oppose diuresis.AROMATICHerbs or spices with volatile essential oils that present strong aromas. Aromatic oils shock, refresh and numb tissue, with the end result of relaxing, opening and clearing stagnant fluids in tissues.Joyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HOW TO ADDRESS ISSUES IN STAGE OF DISEASE #1GAS, IRREGULAR DIGESTION IS IN STAGE OF DISEASE #1 - AFFECTING DIGESTIONIf you have symptoms in this category, your body is sending you a warning sign. Since digestion is so metabolically intensive and sensitive to stress and emotions, the earliest warning signs of imbalance usually appear in the digestive tract first. You may have gas and bloating, for example, or acid reflux. Ayurveda recommends paying careful, close attention to warning signs. They indicate that an imbalance is starting to accumulate. Correct these warning signs before they accumulate further and weaken your body's resistance. This is usually accomplished by removing diet and lifestyle habits that aggravate your imbalanced doshas and biocharacteristics. AVOID DIETS, LIFESTYLES & HERBS THAT AGGRAVATE THESE EFFECTSAccording to Ayurveda, one or more of the following doshas and biocharacteristics may aggravate 'Gas, irregular digestion'. If you have an excess of one of these doshas or biocharacteristics below, Ayurveda recommends reducing foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate them. Click on the biocharacteristic to learn what foods and lifestyle habits should be reduced.Symptoms Tell A Story The first step to healing is learning patterns from your symptoms. Symptoms are clues that reveal underlying imbalances. Symptoms show you where your body is weakened. Ultimately, all disease has a root in tissues too weak to defend itself. Ayurveda describes these patterns of weakness using doshas & biocharacteristics. If you notice a biocharacteristic or dosha appears next to many of your symptoms, it helps you establish a pattern that may be systemic.
To learn more about the symbols above, click on them. See a complete list of all biocharacteristics. Are you prone to a problem with 'Gas, irregular digestion'? Find your imbalances and create a diet for your Digestion by taking the free digestion quiz: RELATED SYMPTOMS & HABITSThe following symptoms & habits may be related to 'Gas, irregular digestion'. See your quiz results for a computerized assessment of your body type. Please click on the symptoms below to learn more about them.Biocharacteristics of 47,247 People Reporting Gas, irregular digestionOn average the biocharacteristics of people reporting Gas, irregular digestion were less aggravated than 83% of other symptoms. From the 47,247 people who reported Gas, irregular digestion in this research study of 74,671 individuals, average deviation in biocharacteristic levels were the following:BIOCHARACTERISTICAVG CLIENT LEVEL %%CASES (#)#IMBALANCE Difficult Sign
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16.9% (7,966)
8,532 have Difficult constitution
Dry Sign
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15.3% (7,252)
9,009 have Dry constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Astringent.
12.6% (5,949)
8,068 have Astringent constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Light.
14.9% (7,049)
9,391 have Light constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Bitter.
13.8% (6,533)
8,626 have Bitter constitution
Vata Sign
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19.5% (9,204)
11,554 have Vata constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Salty.
11.8% (5,561)
7,179 have Salty constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Oily.
12.9% (6,075)
9,587 have Oily constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Sour.
11.6% (5,483)
7,528 have Sour constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Kapha.
17.5% (8,267)
12,745 have Kapha constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Heavy.
14.3% (6,761)
9,738 have Heavy constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Sweet.
14.1% (6,654)
9,650 have Sweet constitution
Cold Aggravates
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12.7% (5,985)
8,107 have Cold constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Pungent.
11.3% (5,342)
6,802 have Pungent constitution
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Hot.
11.7% (5,521)
7,949 have Hot constitution
Toxic Aggravates
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12.7% (5,990)
7,099 have Toxic constitution
Risk Factors of Gas, irregular digestion
Below you will see general risk factors as well as the greatest risk factors, i.e. those who were also more likely to report Gas, irregular digestion.
Overall, 58.32% of people surveyed in this research study reported Gas, irregular digestion.
SYMPTOM (Cases)Cases With Both% Reporting ThisIncrease from 58.32%Review These Common Risk Factors Feel underweight (2358)
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40% more often
Feel overweight (25362)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Feel overweight.
20% more often
Hyperactive, quick (19615)
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20% more often
Fatigue / tired (16721)
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30% more often
Male (1336)
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20% more often
Female (26227)
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20% more often
Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1126)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Even liquid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
60% more often
Gastritis (5279)
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60% more often
Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain (1417)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Solid foods aggravate abdominal pain.
60% more often
Indigestion / Upset stomach (15960)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Indigestion / Upset stomach.
60% more often
Abdominal pain worse after eating (3850)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Abdominal pain worse after eating.
50% more often
Intestinal colic / spasm / cramping (5234)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Intestinal colic / spasm / cramping.
50% more often
Burping relieves stomach pain (3413)
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50% more often
Abdominal pain continuous (1145)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Abdominal pain continuous.
50% more often
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (9239)
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50% more often
Ulcerative Colitis (568)
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50% more often
Burning abdominal pain (2301)
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50% more often
Frequent Burping (8672)
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50% more often
Fruits Cause Gas (2764)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Fruits Cause Gas.
50% more often
Location of abdominal pain moves (5432)
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50% more often
Guarding area of pain (886)
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50% more often
Crohn's Disease (341)
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50% more often
Discomfort in abdomen (10315)
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50% more often
Pain wakes you up at night (1604)
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50% more often
Alternating Diarrhea / Constipation (7701)
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50% more often
Pain with sense of fullness (4736)
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50% more often
Pain relieved by pressure (2280)
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50% more often
Intestine lumpy / like a rope (1615)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Intestine lumpy / like a rope.
50% more often
Inflamed Rectum (723)
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50% more often
Pain around belly button (2663)
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50% more often
Intermittent abdominal pain (6963)
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50% more often
Intestinal Obstruction (352)
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50% more often
Pain above belly button (4330)
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50% more often
Abdominal pain relieved by eating (1562)
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50% more often
Malabsorption (4275)
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50% more often
Pain relieved by pooping (9034)
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50% more often
Smelly Gas (18306)
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50% more often
Frequent Nausea (5021)
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50% more often
Pain below belly button (5880)
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50% more often
Pain sudden onset (3992)
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50% more often
Sharp abdominal pain (5537)
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50% more often
Pain left upper abdomen (3172)
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50% more often
Frequent urge to defecate (2843)
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50% more often
Pain left lower abdomen (4442)
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50% more often
Pain relieved by doubling over (2537)
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50% more often
Vomiting (1149)
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50% more often
Difficulty eliminating (7017)
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50% more often
Eat when abdomen painful (2767)
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50% more often
Hyperacidity (4450)
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50% more often
Pain right lower abdomen (4066)
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50% more often
Palpable Mass in Abdomen (267)
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50% more often
Parasite passed in stool (353)
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50% more often
Gastrointestinal Bleeding (555)
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50% more often
Dull ache in abdomen (5023)
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50% more often
Convulsions (156)
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50% more often
Anal Spasm (1145)
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50% more often
Gray Stool (528)
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40% more often
Diarrhea (4657)
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40% more often
Use laxatives frequently (2294)
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40% more often
Fullness below belly button (8299)
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40% more often
Pain right upper abdomen (3670)
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40% more often
Fecal Incontinence (1138)
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40% more often
Explosive elimination (5685)
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40% more often
Stool entirely liquid, no solid pieces (3898)
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40% more often
Constipation (11486)
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40% more often
Diarrhea quickly after eating (3488)
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40% more often
Food Poisoning (1032)
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40% more often
Fistula (425)
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40% more often
Colon Cancer (119)
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40% more often
Foul odorous stool (9495)
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40% more often
Impacted Fecal Matter (1293)
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40% more often
Leaky Gut Syndrome (4834)
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40% more often
Dysentery (203)
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40% more often
Duodenal Ulcer (373)
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40% more often
Straining to eliminate (8787)
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40% more often
H pylori infection (1025)
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40% more often
Traveler's Diarrhea (1701)
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40% more often
Bloating / distension (23190)
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40% more often
Orange / Rubbery Stool (1013)
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40% more often
Intestinal Worms / Parasites / Protozoa / Bacteria (1615)
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40% more often
Tight/tense abdomen (2454)
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40% more often
Undigested food in stool (7390)
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40% more often
Mucus on stool (6422)
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40% more often
Pain relieved by heat (3723)
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40% more often
Short Bowel Syndrome (201)
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40% more often
Stomach Ulcer (1449)
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40% more often
Weakness / Debility (3964)
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40% more often
Burning / painful urination (1010)
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40% more often
Celiac Disease (1108)
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40% more often
Pus in stool (292)
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40% more often
Abdominal pain relieved by rest (4012)
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40% more often
Nerve Damage (293)
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40% more often
Gray sclera (white part of eye) (231)
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40% more often
Pain relieved by exercise (1996)
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40% more often
Acid Reflux (10057)
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40% more often
Pressure in eye (2299)
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40% more often
Tarry black stools (1494)
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40% more often
Foul taste on tongue (3794)
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40% more often
Gurgling Noises (13930)
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40% more often
Pancreatitis (498)
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40% more often
Bones brittle / break easily (575)
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40% more often
Complications of Those Reporting Gas, irregular digestion
In this research study, people who report Gas, irregular digestion were likely to report the following:
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Irregular/small appetite.
+1.3 times
23.81% (20,509 cases)
Slow, heavy digestion
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Slow, heavy digestion.
+1.3 times
22.89% (21,898 cases)
Short bursts of energy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Short bursts of energy.
+1.2 times
42.15% (34,156 cases)
Sunken chest, ribs showing
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Sunken chest, ribs showing.
+1.2 times
12.4% (9,675 cases)
Mood changes quickly
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Mood changes quickly.
+1.2 times
38.86% (31,189 cases)
Dry, dark, frizzy hair
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Dry, dark, frizzy hair.
+1.2 times
30.27% (24,799 cases)
Conflict makes me restless
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Conflict makes me restless.
+1.2 times
52.33% (43,701 cases)
Anxiety, fear, uncertainty
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Anxiety, fear, uncertainty.
+1.2 times
58.66% (47,291 cases)
Lose weight easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Lose weight easily.
+1.2 times
16.19% (13,037 cases)
Thin skin
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Thin skin.
+1.2 times
30.74% (23,090 cases)
Hyperactive, quick
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+1.2 times
24.83% (19,615 cases)
Sunken, small, active, dark eyes
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Sunken, small, active, dark eyes.
+1.2 times
19.07% (15,029 cases)
Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting)
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Prolonged bleeding when cut (Poor clotting).
+1.1 times
1.74% (1,259 cases)
Irregular Thirst
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Irregular Thirst.
+1.1 times
34.28% (25,909 cases)
Strong hunger
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Strong hunger.
+1.1 times
39.61% (31,540 cases)
Irregular schedule / eating times
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Irregular schedule / eating times.
+1.1 times
52.98% (41,193 cases)
Light sleeper
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Light sleeper.
+1.1 times
39.85% (29,970 cases)
Intense emotions
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Intense emotions.
+1.1 times
52.25% (42,048 cases)
Avoids heat
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Avoids heat.
+1.1 times
28.35% (23,304 cases)
Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles.
+1.1 times
19.83% (14,935 cases)
Poor, spends frivolously
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Poor, spends frivolously.
+1.1 times
29.13% (21,285 cases)
Gain weight easily
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Gain weight easily.
+1.1 times
43.99% (35,031 cases)
Conflict makes me depressed, lazy
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Conflict makes me depressed, lazy.
+1.1 times
27.54% (21,522 cases)
Make and change friends often
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Make and change friends often.
+1.1 times
19.31% (14,552 cases)
Creative, imaginative
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Creative, imaginative.
+1.1 times
48.78% (37,804 cases)
Friends are work related, change with job
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Friends are work related, change with job.
+1.1 times
28.54% (22,284 cases)
Anger, irritable, ambitious, analytical
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Anger, irritable, ambitious, analytical.
+1.1 times
54.66% (42,924 cases)
Talks quickly
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Talks quickly.
+1.1 times
53.17% (40,295 cases)
Long workday
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Long workday.
+1.1 times
28.99% (22,260 cases)
Sleep deep & long, trouble waking up
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Sleep deep & long, trouble waking up.
+1.1 times
22.53% (17,371 cases)
Caring, calm, patient
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Caring, calm, patient.
+1.1 times
40.69% (32,300 cases)
Intelligent, efficient, perfectionist
Please login or create a free account to see research statistics filtered on Gas, irregular digestion and Intelligent, efficient, perfectionist.
+1.1 times
58.9% (45,483 cases)
Find ideal foods, herbs and lifestyle tips.
See your imbalances, and locate intervention points.
Your body map contains a complete analysis of your Ayurvedic imbalances, organ by organ.
Give your chart to your functional medical doctor or any alternative health practitioner.
HOW AYURVEDA WORKSARE YOU WONDERING HOW AYURVEDA CAN HELP YOU?WHY IS AYURVEDA THE RIGHT SOLUTION?Ayurveda strengthens the body while opposing disorders. It takes a holistic, systemic approach that looks at the whole body. Ayurveda shows how to interpret signs and symptoms of imbalance, and how to address them using diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbs. It shows a person how to optimize their health on a continual basis. You can't take the doctor home with you, but you can take Ayurveda home with you. Ayurveda is the most advanced and easy to use home system for self healing.HOW DOES AYURVEDA WORK?Ayurveda starts by identifying your body type, which identifies certain tendencies in your body to get sick (as well as identifying your strengths). It uses body type to determine the likely root causes of your disorders. Next, Ayurveda analyzes the nature of your disorder. It fits all your signs and symptoms into a pattern, expressed as a combination of biocharaceristics (gunas). For example, you may have a heat disorder, a cold disorder, or an oily disorder, etc. This simple categorical approach shows you how to correct systemic imbalances and strengthen your body as a whole.On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics. By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies - such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance your healing. GET STARTEDTo get started on your Ayurvedic journey, we first recommend that your find your body type by taking our free quiz. In Ayurveda, every solution is based on your unique body type, so by taking this quiz, you’ll get the best results.5 WAYS TO HEAL YOUR BODY